Saturday we took Carolina to her first movie. What movie would be more
appropriate for a young lady than Sex and the City... We fed her just before and she was fine through out the entire movie.
Sunday, Doug and I decided we wanted to go to the Swap meet for fathers day. Can you beat it? 1.00 to get in, Live music and Fat Tire on tap! After strolling around for a bit and listening to the sounds of Sangria and throwing down some border dogs we headed to the house for some carne asada tacos, salsita de tomatillo and some tasty frijolitos with bacon.
Oh did I mention the Lakers won?
2 more...
Sounds like you had the key elements (food, booze, sex - even if it was on the big screen, and relaxation) :D
On your previous post you pretty much disowned your LAKERS, so there is no jumping back on the bandwagon.
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