So I am glad Erick can put away his Kobe sprite can and broom till next year. There shall be no sweep. I swear these Mother F'ers are going to give me a heart attack.
So as much smack I wrote about my Mom bringing cheese back from Mexico she actually brought me my first fathers day gift... from Mexico....
Now.... the weird thing is that even after I was 21 she has always given me a hard time about drinking. Even now at thirty two, I still feel shy drinking a beer in front of her because she always said she was watching me...
Oddly enough for Fathers day she gives me a bottle of Tequila.
Hey at least she knows which ones I like!
There won't be no sweep, but Kobe won't be getting his ring!
She hooked you up! She may turn a blind eye to your drinking but at least she gets you the good stuff, no King Cobra or Olde English.
She's loving Carolina and wants more grandkids from you two. Abuelitas are like that . . . watch out.
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