Thursday, June 19, 2008

Graduation Day!

Today was Sissy's big day. Julissa Desiree Asher graduated from high school. Considering I met this young girl when she was 1. Then she went on to never speak a word to me for the next 7 years. Finally one day I walked in to their house and she walked by and said," Hi Abel".

After I came to, I would like to think we were friends since then. Now she is all grown up and heading to college.
Congratulations Sis....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I am as guilty(probably more than normal) as anyone of copying music from people. Over the years people have been nice enough to let me copy their music library but every now and then I feel a artist deserves my hard earned ducketts...

Today I went by my local Bestbuy and picked up Coldplay's Viva La Vida and Picked up Lil Wayne's The Carter III...

The "I know huh" behind the register gave me the weirdest looks when i was paying. She asked if I knew that Lil Wayne's CD was a rap CD and that Coldplay was rock n roll... I politely said YES and proceeded to pay.

Is it really that weird?

Should have I come back with some nasty or smart ass remark?

What do you guys think?

Anyway, Lil Wayne cracks and Coldplay comes through....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Fail, Fail, Fail...

To my friend Pamela's dismay, Stacy's Matt wins the office pool.


Kobe, Paul Gasoft, Lamar Osoft and Jordan Farmer (like farmed the ball, its a fishing term that relates)


Mitch Kupchak.....


On another note, I am glad to see that the Big ticket (Kevin Garnett) was very humble at his first NBA title win. Michelle Tafoya was giving the interview and he stood there very emotional and speechless. Expecting him to start rolling smack he proceeded to say that Anything is possible. He earned my respect today not only as a player but as a person as well. Congratulations.

Monday, June 16, 2008

My first Fathers day weekend

Saturday we took Carolina to her first movie. What movie would be more
appropriate for a young lady than Sex and the City... We fed her just before and she was fine through out the entire movie.

Sunday, Doug and I decided we wanted to go to the Swap meet for fathers day. Can you beat it? 1.00 to get in, Live music and Fat Tire on tap! After strolling around for a bit and listening to the sounds of Sangria and throwing down some border dogs we headed to the house for some carne asada tacos, salsita de tomatillo and some tasty frijolitos with bacon.

Oh did I mention the Lakers won?

2 more...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sooooooooo Disappointed.

As the tio Javy would say.... Gotttttt Demmmmit Cabrones.... Yes I am talking about my no heart having Lakers. How the .... Nevermind.

OK Erick, is it Carne Asada? Tri-Tips? or Ribs?

Name it and I'll get it.

Sad Abel Sad...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The best day ever at work!

Today I had the most satisfying task at work... A round the world cruise? NO. A Ambercrombie and Kent Safari? NO. Today I got to feed my baby at work! Mirns suprised me with a visit from her and Carolina. While they visited my co workers came in and out of my cube saying hello to Carolina. While some of the Co's came to the house to see her the rest of the office had their chance to meet her.

And in true Serrano fashion, she came, she ate and she pooped.

Best day ever at work.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

About time.

So I am glad Erick can put away his Kobe sprite can and broom till next year. There shall be no sweep. I swear these Mother F'ers are going to give me a heart attack.
So as much smack I wrote about my Mom bringing cheese back from Mexico she actually brought me my first fathers day gift... from Mexico....
Now.... the weird thing is that even after I was 21 she has always given me a hard time about drinking. Even now at thirty two, I still feel shy drinking a beer in front of her because she always said she was watching me...

Oddly enough for Fathers day she gives me a bottle of Tequila.
Hey at least she knows which ones I like!

Monday, June 9, 2008


So I have made it 32 years with out a cavity. Today I went to the dentist and had a my first 3 cavities filled. Although the procedure was not painful, the grinding and drilling in my mouth was quite strange. I din't quite freak out till I saw smoke billowing out of my mouth. They offered me two types of fillings, Silver or Bonded white. Huh? The Silver are free and the bonded white ones are $75.00 each. After the hard sell they finally offered the bonded ones for $25.00 each. Huh?

Ok, i'll take the white ones....

(I had a really big one I guess. The Dentist took pictures of it for my file and when I asked for a copy for my blog he had a perplexed look on his face. He then nicely said.... NO...)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What a weekend...

So remember that wedding I was so O.C.D. about? Well I am glad the venue was also, or maybe not? The Garden Room in Garden Grove was beautifully decorated and the ceremony went off without a hitch. The reception began and we got through the grand announcement, the first dance and while we were setting up for the slide show presentation....... the power went off! OK, so no worries, the power came on and we reset everything started playing the video and.... yes, the power went off again. And for the rest of the afternoon the power kept going off...
The crew from the venue kept apologizing but needless to say the reception was ruined...
Being the nice guys we are we offered to play at the after party for a couple of hours. That went well and people danced for a good while.

On Sunday morning I took my dad to visit my brother Ralph in Palmdale to drop off some racks he made for his video store. Yes my brother purchased a video store. I think he might be the first Mexican video store owner. (i doubt it though) Anyway, my point is my mom just got back from Mexico and like always she came back with a crap load of cheese. I mean there was a lot. And some other usuals like cajeta de mango and de membrillo. Any one know what membrillo is?

We won't talk about the Lakers tonight. I am pretty upset. This was a stressed filled weekend.

Friday, June 6, 2008


As some of you know I DJ on the side. Tomorrow we are playing at our Co-workers sons wedding and like any wedding we do, I get nervous. Borderline O.C.D. I double check and triple check everything. I have never thought of taking any pics but here is the best one I have.

Sucks don't it.


Some of the music requested for the grand event is;

Girls Girls Girls, the Crue

Hands Down, Dashboard Confessional

I beleive in a thing called love, The Darkness

Baby Got Back, Sir Mix A Lot,

Get Low, Lil Jon

Bro Hymn, Pennywise.

Who knew.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


What the heck?

Kobe was 9-26.... no laker made more than 10 baskets out of all the attempts tonight.

Still the game remained close throughout. Once the Lakers get into it, I see no problem with us getting another parade...

I give Paul Pierce credit for "spraining his knee" then 5 minutes later coming back to punish the Lakers.

We need one in Boston. I hope it comes on Sunday...

On another note,

Happy Birthday Carolina!!!
One month old today!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Richard Stephanie Antonia

As you can imagine I am quite upset.... Today was the second to last episode of Top Chef. I can not beleive Antonia was voted out over that ugh.... It hurts even to type her name, Lisa...
Now, Antonia was not my favorite to win but I still feel she is a much superior chef than.... well you know. I felt with Antonia in the final 3 would have been a much better competition than the 3 that are left. This leaves the grand prize wide open for Richard and Stephanie.
I hope Steph wins but I think Richard has more talent.
Oh and by the way something great happened today.
Carolina pooped on my Mother in law. Sweet...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Can it be? Is it really over for now?

According to well, EVERYONE, Obama has claimed the nomination for the Democratic National Party. So..................

I know, I know. Me too....

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sad. Abel Sad....

RIP King Kong ride and Back to the future town square facade at Universal Studios... I had many run ins with that big half monkey. Everytime a new cousin came from Mexico and we took them to Universal they ALL yelled when the mighty Kong would roar... As the clock tower burned I could see poor Emmet hangin from the ledge and then connecting the cable couplers so Marty could get back to the FUTURE...
I still dream about the dang hover boards too... (from the sequel if you live in a box)
In other news my lil babies has green ojos!
You can't see them in the pictures, but soon they will pop....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

First Blog Entry

Well here goes nothing...

This weekend we hosted a small shin dig for my cousin in law Vanessa. Thursday she graduated from Long Beach State. As you will come to read in my entries The Family loves to party! We had plenty to eat(thanks Doug!) Plenty to drink(thanks Big Z) and some music(thanks Abel).

On Sunday our friends Carlos, Maria and Kat came by to visit the baby! They brought lunch from Buca di Beppo and we hung out and talked for a couple of hours.